Thursday 14 January 2021

Grave of Jesus and the delusions of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyni.

It is often claimed by Ahmadis today that Jesus died  in Kashmir. There is even a book by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani called " Jesus in India " in which he clamied that Jesus died in Indian Kashmir and is even buried there at Khanyar. 

When we check his other books we see he contradicts his own claim by accepting that Jesus died in City Galeel of Palestine and is even buried there. He says : 

"And the Truth is Jesus died in his countryside Galeel "

Reference :
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 3 // Page 353 // Edn. Qadiyan India. 

So Mirza is contradicting himself by claiming at one place that Jesus died in Kashmir and at another place that he died in Galeel. 

Note : If someone will make an excuse that Mirza is saying Jesus died in Galeel while discussing with Christians and it was their belief. then I will say this is lamest excuse because in urdu wording which Mirza used he started with : And the Truth is .... this is used when you affirm. 

This is nothing Mirza contradicted this opinion in his another book by claiming that Grave of Jesus is in Syria.

He says : 

And fortunately the Grave of Jesus is present in Syria and to prove our point i am also writing the testimony of my respected brother whom i love for the sake of Allah Maulavi Saeedi Tarabilisi  who resides in Tarabilis Syria in the footnotes. 

Reference : 
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 8 // Page 296 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab.

Mirza Sahab himself says about those whose claims are contradictory  : 

" But it is clear that a truthfull , logical and a open hearted person will never have any contradiction in his statement. Yes if a person is Mad , imbecile or Hypocrite then he may have contradiction in his statement because he will try to accept all what is told him. "

Reference :
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 3 // Page 142 // Edn. Qadiyan India.

Qadiyanis and their crocodile tears that Muslims don't include them inside the community

You will often see Qadiyanis weeping before their western masters that Muslims ill treat them. Today we will see you that the boycott they face orginated from their own texts against whole Muslim community.

Their Second Sucessor Mirza Basheer u Deen Mahmood says in one of his book : 

" No doubt Praying in Congregration has a specfic timming for Ahmadis [ Qadiyani ] and an Ahmadi can't pray behind a non Ahmadi. " 

Reference : 
Barakaat Khilafat - Mirza Basheer u Deen // Page 71 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab.

On another page he says : 

"Then came a verdict of Promised Messiah [ Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ] and a best verdict that An Ahmadi shouldn't give his daughter to a non Ahmadi. It is compulsory for every Ahmadi to follow this "

Reference : 
Barakaat Khilafat - Mirza Basheer u deen // Page 61 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab. 

So you can see they boycotted themselves in their books by saying Qadiyani can't pray behind other Muslims and he can't marry his daughter to other Muslims and yet they shed the crocodile tears before western masters that Muslims ill treat them. 😊

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani and his slander against Prophet Jesus/Essa [as]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani in his books went too far in refuting the Christians that he even degraded the status of Prophet Jesus/Essa [as]. He says in one of his books : 

" Jesus actually suffered from Epilepsy and that was the reason that he used to see dreams...Jesus had actually become insane due to epilepsy."

Reference : 
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 10 // Page 295 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab. 

So Mirza is declaring Jesus to be an Insane person who was afflicted with Epilepsy (May Allah save us from this belief)

Deception of Qadiyanis that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani didn't brought any new Islamic Law

When we discuss with Ahmadis/Qadiyanis they often make this excuse that Mirza Sahab was a shadow Messenger who hasn't given any new Islamic Law [ Shariyah ] rather he follows what has been revealed upon Prophet Muhammad [pbuh].  They lie in this because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani has made it compulsory for every Ahmadi to donate 1/10 of his assets towards his cause. 

Mirza himself says : 

" According to this for the spread of Islam every person who makes a will has to donate atleast 1/10 of his income and property.

Reference : 
AlWasiyat - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Page 4 // Edn. Qadiyan. 

We ask our Ahmadi Friends to please show us where it is written in Islam to donate 1/10 of total to his cause. Isn't this an extra compulsory tax added by Mirza into Islamic laws.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani and the hollow slogan of "Love for All : Hate for None "

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani while refuting his opponents often used a sick language and later his sucessors changed the stance to "Love for All : Hate for None" just to fool the laymen and try to make them believe that Qadiyani or Ahmadi community is the peacefull community but books speaks more than people. 

Mirza in on of his books says : 

"Everyone accepts me and believes my call, except the children of prostitutes whose hearts have been sealed by God" 

Reference : Roohani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 5 // Page 547-548// Edn. Qadiyan Punjab. 

See the type of Language he is using against those who don't accept his ideology.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani VS Prophets from Allah swt

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani deemed himself superior over all Prophets by claiming that he never made mistakes yet other Prophets [pbut] do make them.

He says in one of his book : 

"Without any doubt what is absolutely deduced from these things is that Prophets and Messengers can make mistake while intrepreting and understanding the Revelations"

Reference : 
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 3 // Page 472 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab. 

Now about himself he writes at another place : 

"Without doubt God never leaves me with a mistake, even for the duration of blink of the eye; and He protects me from every mistake and protects me from the ways of satans.”

Reference : 
Ruhani Khazain - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani // Vol 8 // Page 272 // Edn. Qadiyan Punjab.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Companions apostated after the death of Prophet [pbuh] and Sunni Double Standards

Narrated by Imam Muhammad bin Ismael Al Bukhari via his own chain like this : 

عَنِ ابْنِ الْمُسَيَّبِ، أَنَّ
 كَانَ يُحَدِّثُ عَنْ أَصْحَابِ النَّبِيِّ، صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ يَرِدُ عَلَى الْحَوْضِ رِجَالٌ مِنْ أَصْحَابِي فَيُحَلَّئُونَ عَنْهُ فَأَقُولُ يَا رَبِّ أَصْحَابِي‏.‏ فَيَقُولُ إِنَّكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَكَ بِمَا أَحْدَثُوا بَعْدَكَ، إِنَّهُمُ ارْتَدُّوا عَلَى أَدْبَارِهِمُ الْقَهْقَرَى

Narrated Ibn Musaiyab:
The Companions of the Prophet [ﷺ] said that Prophet [ﷺ] said : "Some men from my Companions will come to my Lake-Fount and they will be driven away from it, and I will say, 'O Lord, my Companions!' It will be said, 'You have no knowledge of what they innovated after you left: they turned apostate [ Murtad ] as renegades [reverted from Islam].

Reference [ One Edition ] :
 Sahih Bukhari - Imam Muhammad bin Isamael Bukhari // Kitab ul Riqaq // Page 1139 // Hadith 6586 // Edn. Dar u Salam Riyadh

Reference [ Another Edition ] :
 Sahih Bukhari - Imam Muhammad bin Ismael Bukhari // Kitab ul Riqaq // Page 742 // Hadith 6586 // Edn. Bait ul Afkaariyah Jordan. 

So you can see that Prophet [pbuh] is clearly saying some of my Companions will become apostates [ Murtad = مرتد ] after me and same is narrated in some Shi'a Narration like one in Rijal Kashi by Abdul Aziz Kashi.

Now What Sunni Scholars do to protect their self made Principle- All Companions are Just. They try to interpret the word " مرتد " in another way like what Imam Ibn Atheer tried to do in this Narration like this. He says : 

" The Apostate here means leaving some Obligatory acts not like going into state of apostasy " 

Reference : 
Al Nihayah fi alGhareeb ul Hadeeth - Imam Ibn Athir // Chapter of Baa with Daal // Page 318 // Edn. Dar ibn Jawzi Riyadh. 

So you can see how they play double standards. When their own narrations say Companions apostated then they intrepret it in a way that suits their principles but when it comes to Shi'a books they start barking that Shi'a Rafidah are Zindeeq and deem all Companions to be Murtad.

When they have nothing to say about its content they try to forward a lame Deobandi excuse that this Narration is a lone narration [Khabr e Wahid] and there is no scope of these Narrations in matters of creed. Let us dissect their claim. 

Pakistani Salafi Scholar Zubair Ali Za'i has defended the narrations of Sahih Al Bukhari in one of his book and he also tried to defend this one. He says : 

This Tradition has been narrated by following companions : Anas bin Malik , Sahal bin Saed AlSaadi , Abu Hurairah , Abdullah bin Mesud , Asma binte Abu Bakr , Abdullah bin Abbas , An Unknown Companion , Aisha , Ume Salama , Abu Saeed AlKhudri. 

He then says : Now it is know that the Narration of taking Apostates from Pond of Kawthar towards Hell is narrated from mass transmitters (Mutwatir).

Note :This Salafi Scholar has given reference for each Narration and there is no excuse for any deobandi that he is Salafi and we are Deobandi. One can crosscheck these references from orginal books.

Reference : 
Sahih Bukhari ka Difah - Shaykh Zubair Ali Za'i // Page 139-140 // Edn. Maktaba Faheem India. 

Now this Salafi Scholar who demmed it Mutawatir has himself tried to distort the meaning by claiming that the Companions mentioned in this Narration are basically People from this Ummah not Companions of Prophet [pbuh]. 

We ask him what is the proof for this. instead the word "Companion" is a Specfic term which in itself is included in the term " People from this Ummah 

Literally People of this Ummah [ General term ] = Companions of Prophet [ Specfic term ] + Muslims after the Companions. 

This Salafi Scholar has himself said in this particular book that one can't use general term against the specfic term. A specfic term overrides the general term.

Reference :
 Sahih Bukhari ka Difah - Shaykh Zubair Ali Za'i // Page 14 // Edn. Maktaba Faheem India. 

So it is total illogical to say "Companions" here mean some "People from this Ummah".